Island Heritage CharityDrive
In just three days, motorists helped to raise a total of $30,000 - $10,000 for each of three local charities - just by driving past the Island Heritage roundabout.
News & Events March 2014
News & Events in the Cayman Islands, March 2014
Cayman HospiceCare 11th Annual Flag Day Weekend
Cayman HospiceCare is set to host their 11th Annual Flag Day Weekend. A bevy of volunteers, all donning bright green t-shirts, will be out in full force across Grand Cayman, flagging down motorists and pedestrians and asking all to dig deep for a good cause.
Breast Cancer Foundation
The Breast Cancer Foundation shows their love and support for a friend who was a guest speaker at last year's Gala dinner, and recently readmitted into the hospital.
Stride Against Cancer
The Cancer Society's Stride Against Cancer took place Sunday January 26 and not takes place on all three islands.
MOvember was a Huge Success
MOvember (also known as November) was a huge success in raising awareness for men's health, specifically prostate cancer.
Immigration Bloodwork Notice
As of today, November 12 2013, and per latest instruction from the Department of Immigration, we [Cayman Clinic] are able to continue to do the required bloodwork for Immigration.
November News & Events
News & Events in the Cayman Islands, November 2013
November is MOvember
November is MOvemeber, highlighting men’s health and specifically prostate cancer. Men will be growing out mustaches to help raise funds for the Cayman Islands Cancer Society. Visit Movemeber Cayman's website for more information about how to get involved and to view a list of their special events.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October marked breast cancer awareness month and many individuals and organisations stepped up to support.